Lenexa Fire Station No. 5
Lenexa, Kan.
8,170 Sq. Ft.
Fire Station No. 5 is the City of Lenexa’s first municipal facility to be LEED certified (Silver). The station features two double-deep, drive-through apparatus bays, bunk space for six, fitness facilities and private outdoor patio. Its many green design features include a green roof, porous paving, rainwater harvesting and reuse, point-of-use water heaters, ground source heat pump and use of recycled material and daylighting throughout. Since opening the station City officials have recorded a 30 percent reduction in energy use versus a comparable station where green design and material were not used. The station gained national recognition in April 2011 when fire chiefs and other leaders from across the country toured the station as part of Fire Chief Magazine’s Station Style conference.
We are WSKF Architects. A firm of designers, thinkers, planners, problem solvers, innovators, business people and advocates for our clients. Each day we dedicate ourselves to designing projects of enduring value and pursuing the highest standards of quality, craftsmanship, and service to our clients and community.

North Kansas City, MO
110 Armour Road
North Kansas City, MO 64116
816-300-4101 (P)
816-300-4102 (F)
Kansas City, KS
707 Minnesota Ave, Suite 506
Kansas City, KS 66101
913-287-1900 (P)
816-300-4102 (F)
North Kansas City, MO
110 Armour Road
North Kansas City, MO 64116
Kansas City, KS
707 Minnesota Ave., Suite 506
Kansas City, KS, 66101